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Cell Type

Cell Types are used to identify cells. They are made of two parts: a cellId and a modId.


The modId needs to be unique. There can't be two mods using the same modId.


While there can be multiple cells with the same cellId, a combination of both a modId and a cellId has to be unique.


Although Cell Type stores both the modId and the cellId as a short, every public API uses a String for both.

private final short modId;
private final short cellId;

public CellType(String modId, String cellId)

public String getModIdString()
public String getCellIdString()

Default Cell Types

Vanilla (modId: cell_machine)

  • mover
  • push
  • slide
  • wall
  • generator
  • trash
  • cwrotator
  • ccwrotator
  • enemy
  • placeable

Base Mod (modId: base)

  • freeze